
(meteorobs) Re: 22 April Fireball

  • Subject: (meteorobs) Re: 22 April Fireball
  • From: Ed Majden
  • Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:00:27 -0700
Another fireball was observed over Vancouver Island, Washington State and
mainland British Columbia at 21:22 PDT on April 22.  We would be interested
in receiving any reports on this fireball.  Information required is as follows:

Your Longitude and Latitude from a topo survey map or GPS reading.
Compass Direction of first sighting, corrected to true north
Elevation above the horizon measured with a clinometer or similar device
Compass Direction of last sighting, corrected to true north
Elevation above horizon, as noted above.

Any photographs or video tapes would be most helpful.  We will not pay for
these however as is requested by one individual who claims he has a tape.
Anyone who cooperates will be given credit in a scientific report.

Forward reports to : epmajden@mars.ark.com

Thanks for your help:  Ed
Edward Majden                         epmajden@mars.ark.com
1491 Burgess Road                     Meteor Spectroscopy
Courtenay, B.C.                       AMS Affiliate
CANADA  V9N-5R8                       MIAC Associate