Meteor Blog

If you think that space exploration is as spectacular as in science fiction, you are right. There are things up in space that that quite out-of-this-world if you’ll excuse the pun. Some things are spectacular, and then some things are almost inconceivable. Nevertheless, they are all facts – which we are here to tell you all about. Let’s talk about the wildest facts about space that will completely change the way you...

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Amateur meteor observers typically watch the skies without any equipment. In fact, we also suggest the novices to start slow, using only their naked eyes and paper for records. However, as you progress and become better at meteor observing, you will naturally realize that equipment is necessary. For those purposes, we compiled a list of top 5 telescopes that are the best for telescopic meteor observations.  Have a look at what we have...

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Meteor observing is a fun hobby (albeit quite demanding) that often leads to expansion of interests. For instance, many astronomers start watching meteor showers and slowly expand the scope of their interest. They often end up researching other celestial bodies and phenomena, and all details that come with them. To become a proper observer of meteor showers, one needs to know elementary things like meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids....

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Astronomy is, given that we are all meteor aficionados, an important science. More specifically, it is the starting point for all extra-terrestrial explorations and observations. Therefore, we thought it would be good to give you a crash course in astronomy and show you the ropes. We also included items that you need to acquire before you embark on the meteor observing mission. So, we hope you are ready because it’s time to get to...

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Meteor observing is a fulfilling activity, one that can quicken the pulse faster than anything else. But it’s not always that easy to catch a prolific meteor shower. Amateurs often get tangled between equipment, reports, and planning the observation. As a result, they miss out on the action and fail to see the magnificent celestial phenomena. To avoid such mishaps, we decided to compile a list of the most important things you need for...

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